Choose Optional parts below (One Head Version and one of each arms required):
- T-Rex Head A
- T-Rex Head B
- T-Rex Head C
- T-Rex GunArm
- T-Rex Claw Arm R and L
- T-Rex Arm Autocannon
- T-Rex Arm Machinegun
- T-Rex Arm EnergyCannon
- Main RocketLauncher
- Main Autocannon
- Chaos Space Knight Rider Seat
- Imperial Space Knight Rider Seat
Can be used by any other Space Knight faction by replacing the upper parts (Torsos, Helmets, Pauldrons and Backpack)
Modular pieces compatible with our other Releases:
(Main and Shoulder Weapons released with previous Dinos and Chariots can be mounted onto the Cybernetic T-Rex, and vice versa.)
Compatible with most Tabletop Wargames.
Assembly Required: Multiple Parts.
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